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Wanting to get pregnant

Do you want to
get pregnant?

Your midwife… not the first person you might think of when you want to get pregnant. But we can certainly do something for you!

Together we will look at factors influencing your chances of getting pregnant. We’ll first look into your history together: your overall health, past illnesses, surgeries and more will be looked into. In addition, we want to map your lifestyle: do you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs? Do you take any medication?

Then we want to get a picture of the families: does, for example, diabetes or high blood pressure occur? And was everyone born healthy?

In this way we can get a good idea of whether there are reasons for extra check-ups before or during pregnancy. Based on the questions asked, we can provide you with information and advice about, for example, a healthy(er) lifestyle and nutrition. We also assess whether,  it might be necessary to adjust medication.

In addition, we of course want to know how your menstrual cycle is and gain and provide insight into this.

Are you pregnant with your second or next child? Then you may also have questions or concerns about a previous pregnancy. There is also time and space for this to be discussed.

Would you like to visit us for a preconception consultation? That is of course possible. Call the practice (0229-217019) and make an appointment with one of us! We will then schedule an appointment of approximately 30 minutes. Do you expect to need longer? Then indicate this on the phone.

The preconception consultation is reimbursed by your health insurance.