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Maternity period

Your baby
is born

Time to celebrate. But it is also the time to rest, recover, get to know your baby and get used to the new life with your son or daughter. During the maternity week, a lot it going on: very beautiful moments with your newborn child, but also a completely new rhythm, physical pains and new emotions. During the maternity period, both we and the kraamverzorgende are there to support you. We both have our own role and tasks during this special period.

What is the role of
the midwife during this period?

During the maternity period, the kraamverzorgende is there to support you. She keeps a close eye on the medical condition of both mother and child. She does this, by among others things, doing check-ups. She also assists you with (breast) feeding and takes over part of the household.
As a midwife our task does not end after having guided you through your pregnancy and delivery. We are there to assist you through this special maternity period. During the maternity period, we will visit you several times to see how you and your baby are doing. We want to know how you are doing, both emotionally and physically. We’ll discuss the checks that the kraamverzorgende has carried out and take action if necessary. We also discuss how the feedings of your baby are going. We provide additional information, care and attention. Of course we are there to talk about the delivery in detail and you can always discuss any questions you have about this with us. If everything is going well, we will stop the home visits after 1 or 2 weeks, but remember that even now we are available 24 hours a day and you can always call us if you have questions or concerns! We would love to see you again 6 weeks after the birth for a follow-up check-up at our practice.

What do you have to arrange after the birth?

Registering a birth
In the Netherlands you must register a birth with the municipality in which it was born within 3 days of the birth. The municipality will then issue a birth certificate.
Register with health insurance
When the registration is complete, you will receive the citizen service number (BSN) of your child. With this number you can register your child with a health insurer.
Heel prick and hearing test
As soon as the declaration has been made, the nurse of the Youth Health Care services will receive a notification of the birth. She will come to your home between the fourth and seventh day after the birth for the hearing test and the heel prick. She checks whether your baby's hearing is properly developed. In addition, a small drop of blood is taken for the heel prick. This blood is tested for the possible presence of rare but serious hereditary disorders. Most diseases cannot be cured. They can be treated, for example with medication or a diet.
Intake consultation bureau
About two weeks after the birth, the child healthcare nurse from the consultation bureau (consultatiebureau) will contact you to schedule an intake consult at your home. The consultation bureau takes over the care regarding the growth and development of your child when we conclude our care.

Information evening about breastfeeding at Eva van Hoorn?

In many cases, breastfeeding goes well on its own. But it can also happen that women experience problems with breastfeeding. Which can be very tough because during this period your life is already dominated enough by change and this can lead to uncertainty. Sometimes breastfeeding causes pain and sometimes your baby does not want to drink from the breast at all or it is difficult for the first few weeks.

During your pregnancy it is possible to attend a free information evening about breastfeeding. Research shows that with proper preparation, during pregnancy, the success rate of breastfeeding is also higher. This information is provided by a lactation consultant at our practice in collaboration with the GGD Hollands Noorden. Click here for dates and registration.

Is there a lactation consultant at Eva van Hoorn?

Our midwives and kraamverzorgenden have sufficient knowledge and expertise to properly guide you with breastfeeding. Sometimes some extra care is needed, then you can enlist the help of a lactation consultant. Eva van Hoorn works together with lactation consultant Wendy Musch.