At Eva van Hoorn you are welcome from your fertile beginnings. Personalized care of a high quality for you and your family is what we stand for. Delivering good health care is our priority during your pregnancy, the ultrasounds and during the maternity week. As a practice, Eva van Hoorn has more than 30 years of experience and therefore we have a great deal of expertise. As a result, we have also built up reliable collaborations with other care providers in the region. In addition to the years of experience, we feel it is also very important to be aware of developments in the field of maternity care. In order to maintain a high quality standard of care, we therefore meet many different requirements and quality marks. You can read about important points of quality for obstetrics, ultrasound and kraamzorg below.
All our midwives are registered in the national quality register for midwives. This means that they work according to the professional standards for midwifery and invest a lot of time in maintaining and developing their knowledge of the profession.

Turning you baby
Birth control
Giving time and attention to each individual is central to our quality of care. Eva van Hoorn works together with the gynaecologists of the Dijklander hospital in one building. This is unique in the region. We meet with the gynaecologist every 2 weeks to discuss clients if necessary. In addition, we have a meeting within Eva van Hoorn in which all pregnant women are discussed in a small team. This way we make time to consider each client to create an individual care path for them.
Turning you baby
Three of our midwives (Fieke, Natascha en Elze) are professionally trained to turn your baby in the womb when it is in a breech position. This is called an external cephalic version. Towards the end of your pregnancy our midwives can perform this during a consultation. Our midwives also have a collaboration with the gynaecologists of the Dijklander hospital where they can perform the external cephalic version together with them.
Birth control
After your delivery your health is still important to us and maternity care does not end there. You can also discuss with us the possibility of not wanting to be pregnant for a while. Or maybe your family is complete. There are several forms of birth control you can choose for that. If you are interested in an IUD, we can place this for you. Several of our midwives have had professional training in insertion of birth control.
In our practice we find it important to give students the possibility to do an internship with us, so we can pass on our knowledge. They accompany us during consultation hours and attend deliveries and maternity visits. If you object to this, please let us know.
At Eva van Hoorn we do almost all the (medical)ultrasounds for the region, even if you are under the care of a different midwife practice or under the care of the gynaecologist in the Dijklander hospital. This is because our ultrasound technicians have an additional professional education and certification to make every kind of ultrasound. They are also registered at the Professional Association Ultrasound Technicians Netherlands (Beroepsvereniging Echoscopisten Nederland, BEN).

At Eva van Hoorn we make a lot of different ultrasounds. All the standard ultrasounds, the extra ultrasounds at the request of the client such as the 3D/4D echoes, but also screening ultrasounds. Our ultrasound technicians have had special training for the screening ultrasounds and thus meet the quality requirements that are essential for a good delivery of care. Eva van Hoorn’s ultrasound technicians are the only ones in the region who can make these kind of ultrasounds.
In our practice we have 3 high-end ultrasound devices. The devices have been developed for advanced diagnostics, but also to ensure that you can see your child as well as possible during the (3D) ultrasound.
During the maternity period, the first week after your delivery, the kraamverzorgende comes to your home to provide care for you and your baby. All our kraamverzorgenden are KCKZ-certified. This means that their knowledge and skills always meet the national standards set by the Knowledge Center Kraamzorg (KCKZ). The kraamverzorgenden attend several training courses each year to keep their knowledge up-to-date.
First Aid
Certified educator
First Aid
All our kraamverzorgenden have a first aid certificate, specifically aimed at babies and maternity care. In addition, our kraamverzorgenden follow CPR and acute obstetrics training together with our own midwives so that they can work well together in difficult situations if this is unexpectedly needed.
Our kraamzorg organization is HKZ certified. This means that our quality management system, which we use to provide good care, meets the high professional standard that has been set for this.

Certified educator
Quality is our top priority in the organisation. That is why we think it is important to be part of the training of good kraamverzorgenden. As Eva van Hoorn Maternity Care, we are therefore a recognized trainer for the kraamzorg/maternity care education.

The reporting code of our kraamzorg organization for child abuse and domestic violence has received the LVAK quality certification.