Where were you born? I was born at home in Helvoirt, in the province of Brabant. Our kraamverzorger was my aunt who at that time was still training to become a kraamverzorgende. She got an accelerated course because the GP who supervised the births in the village came in after I was already born.
Do you have children? Yes, 3 grown adults, 1 son and 2 daughters.
Where did you give birth? From my oldest I gave birth at home in Rhenen, my two daughters who came after that were also born at home in Naaldwijk.
Where and when did you graduate? I followed my education at the midwifery school in Heerlen. Today it is the obstetrics academy in Maastricht. I graduated in 1986.
Since when do you work at Eva van Hoorn? I have been working at Eva van Hoorn from the launch in 2007, since 1997 I have been a midwife in Hoorn.
Do you have any specializations within Eva van Hoorn? I am very committed to our own kraamzorg organisation where I am quality manager. I am also ‘aandachtsfunctionaris’ within our practice, which means I can be contacted in tricky situations. Furthermore, I regularly bake tasty things for my colleagues practice!
What do you think is the strength of Eva van Hoorn? In my view, Eva van Hoorn’s strength is the qualities and experience that we have between all our colleagues (assistants, ultrasound technicians, midwives and kraamverzorgenden). We keep each other on our toes, and we can always consult each other which we do a lot. In the building on the Maelsonstraat, the whole team is a well-oiled machine. In addition, there is a lot of humor and fun which ensures that I enjoy working here.
What makes you happy, in your work and outside of it? Contact with others, finding solutions when there are ‘bumps’ in the road.
What do you prefer to do in your free time? Travelling, volleybal, cooking and working in my garden.