Jacqueline van der Meer

Ultrasound technician

Where were you born? I was born in 1965 in the hospital in Leeuwarden.

Heb je kinderen? Ik heb 4 kinderen en 1 kleindochter en in afwachting van een kleinkindje die hopelijk gezond in juli a.s. geboren gaat worden.

Where did you give birth? I gave birth to all my 4 children in the hospital.

My oldest daughter Charlotte was born in 1990 in the hospital of Amstelveen. I wanted to do the delivery at home, but because we thought she would be (too) small, I gave birth in the hospital.

My son Wessel (1993) was born in the Westfries Gasthuis (Dijklander Hospital) because I went into labour too early, at 33 weeks.

And in 2001 I gave birth to my twins, 2 girls, Isabelle & Bregtje. They were born at 36 weeks in the Westfries Gasthuis (Dijklander Hospital).

Where and when did you graduate? In 1990 I graduated as a midwife in Amsterdam. In 2006 I followed an education to become an ultrasound technician in Haarlem. I also followed training to become a women’s coach.

Why did you become a midwife/ultrasound technician? As a midwife I have always worked with ultrasounds. It’s so interesting to be so involved with technology in the most emotional period of parents’ lives. I can watch their baby with them before it is born. It still remains interesting and special after all these years.

What makes you happy? In my work it makes me happy that we can give every pregnant woman and partner the attention and care they need and want!

Outside of work I am happy with the happiness I experience, every day with my family from all our children who are all doing well.

What do you prefer to do in your free time?  I love to unwind with little things: read a bit; make some drawings; working in the garden; walking; making (and eating) good food. On Fridays I am often sculpting.